
Bake with grandma

Bakin mix ispeci pa reci
Category: Salty

Pizza muffins

An unusual version of a muffin, pizza – flavoured will serve as an ideal snack.


  • 250 g of Bakin' Mix Bread & Pizza
  • 100 g of grated cheese (gouda)
  • 1 bag of baking powder
  • 100 g of chopped ham
  • 2 teaspoons of oregano
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 200 ml of milk
  • 3 eggs
  • Coating:
  • a little bit of tomato purée


1. Put flour, baking powder, salt and oregano in a larger bowl.
2. Stir dry ingredients.
3. Add eggs, milk, grated cheese and chopped ham to the mix of dry ingredients.
4. Mix with a mixer to combine all ingredients.
5. Divide the mixture in a muffin tin.
6. Add tomato purée to the mixture.
7. Bake at 180 °C, 20 – 25 min, depending on the power of the oven.

Bon appetit!


Author of the recipe: Adrijana Bručić

Preparation time
 40 min
Cooking/baking time
 20 - 25 min
 12 pizza muffins

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