Bake with grandma!

Čokoladna torta s tikvicama
Baka je pripremila najsočniju, najmekšu – bezglutensku i vegansku čokoladnu tortu ikad! I da, ubacila je tikvice!
70 min -
Bezglutenski veganski muffini
Baka sa Muffin mix vrećicom pripremi bezglutenske i veganske muffine dok kažeš muffin!
35 min -
Keksi s bundevom
Baka je običnom receptu za keksiće dodala mali ‘twist’ – bundevu. Savršeni jesenski recept uz šalicu toplog čaja.
60 min -
Knedle s marmeladom od naranče
Baka voli tradicionalne recepte izraditi na moderniji način. Stoga je ovoga puta radila knedle, obožavano zimsko jelo već generacijama. Umjesto tradicionalnih šljiva, upotrijebila je ekološku marmeladu od naranče.
60 min -
Lava cake
A rhapsody of melted chocolate coated with a biscuit is the dream of every chocolate lover. We believe that you have certainly already tried this irresistible cake, but have you tried making it?
10 min -
Chocolate cake with mascarpone cream
Surprise your family with this simple and delicious chocolate cake with mascarpone. The biscuit is made from Bakin’ Mix Cacao cake and is ready in the blink of an eye.
20 min -
Chocolate filled cookies
With Bakin’ Mix Cookies you can make delicious and crispy biscuits – quick and easy.
30 min -
Cupcakes with hazelnut spread
This time, in addition to the Bakin’ Mix Cupcakes, we are also helped by Nocciolata Bianca – a gluten free sweet cream made from organic milk and hazelnuts.
10 min -
Muffins with strawberry jam
The specialty of these muffins lies in the gluten-free preparation. They can be enjoyed by everyone: those with celiac disease, gluten intolerant or allergic to wheat.
10 min